For example: I like British shows that are set in 1800's to 1900's; period films like Pride and Prejudice and Downton Abbey! I get that from my mom. We always watched Jane Austen movies together. She loves them and so do I.
I also love to draw, probably because my dad likes to draw, and so did his mom. I get that trait from my dad.
I think we have this desire to be just like our parents when we are young and then sometime as we grow older into teenagers we think it's weird to do what our parents like. Then, yet again, as we grow into adults we move away from home and find ourselves doing and liking some of the same things as our parents.
I have been very fortunate to have such good parents. I know we must be our own selves and find the things that we love without extra outside influences. However, it is a comfort to me to know that some of the things I love, my parents love too!
I am seeing this in my little boy. All around his room are posters and pictures of some of Devin's favorite sports team. Max is loving all the same teams. If he sees any football on tv, he shouts, "Go cougars!"
He likes a lot of the same things as me too! Today I noticed that he loved eating wheat thins with cream cheese. This is a pretty insignificant example, I know, but as we were sharing the snack the thought of us being like our parents popped into my head.
I am grateful for such great parents and in laws also for helping my husband and I become who we are. I love seeing our parents and finding new things we have alike.