God's Canvas

God's Canvas

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Early Morning Thoughts

This morning max thought it would be time to wake up at 5:20am! We told him it was still sleep time and he stayed in his bed for about 30 minutes. Then he got up. Still too early, we told him he could lay in bed with mom and dad. He did for another 40 or so minutes; quietly talking to himself. So I got up with him and told him he could play cars in the family room while I laid on the couch. I think I fell asleep about 7ish... Not really sure. 

It's now 8:30 and Max and I have eaten breakfast. There is much to be done today like cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, getting ready for the day and making bread... 

However, for now lying on the couch covered with a blanket while playing with Max is a much better option. 

Lately Max has grown up so much. His personality makes me laugh. Sometime last week I was sad about something so I was crying. (pregnancy emotions) Max was quick to give me a hug and kiss, but then he started to sing "popcorn popping". Which is the song he always requests when he is sad or scared. He is such a sweet boy! 

He has also started to hum different songs while he plays in his room. I am very happy that he loves music. Some of his favorite songs are the byu fight song, popcorn popping, and do as I'm doing. Sometimes Max will sing with Devin, but Devin likes to sing the wrong words or add funny syllables to the end of words. Max will tell him, "No, that's not how it goes." Then max will sing it the right way. 

I'm looking forward to this little girl getting  here. Max is going to be a great big brother. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

We Did It... Goodbye Binki

Today is the first day without a binki... Cold turkey. We talked with Max this morning and told him he was a big boy and it was time to start doing some more big boy things... Like getting rid of his binki. We asked him if he would like to trade out his binki for a toy of some sort. He was so excited!!! So we packed the binki's up in a plastic bag and set out for Target. We decided to stick to a stuffed animal so he could still sleep with something. He picked a cute dog and we named it Brownie. 

Here they are; so happy. 

When we got home I told him it was nap time. He went right to his bed, threw his other stuffed animals on the ground and laid on Brownie. Then he asked for his binki... I told him they were gone because we traded them for Brownie. (Insert big tears from Max.)

Here is the real challenge. Max now knows that the binki isn't coming back and he may struggle with it. He wimpered for a few minutes after I left him, but is fast asleep now. I'm curious how it's going to go tonight for bed time. 

I'm nervous, but glad that we are doing this at the same time. It is time. Here's to moving on to bigger and better things.