God's Canvas

God's Canvas

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Max is Two!

The other day I went to take out the garbage. I told Max I would be right back and I was. However as I walked up the stairs I heard Max crying. I tried to open the door as I asked him what was wrong.  The door was LOCKED! I panicked a little but still stayed calm. I tried to explain to Max how to unlock the door. He tried, but was unsuccessful. Every once and a while he would say, "Mom, I need help." 

Well I was starting to get a little more worried because I was supposed to watch one of my friends boys. I knew it was getting close to that time and I didn't have my phone to call anyone for help. Luckily, a lady was gracious enough to call the owner of the apartment. 

He wasn't picking up, so she went down the road to where his family worked to see if they could get a hold of them. 

Meanwhile my friend shows up and I still haven't gotten in my apartment. So she tried to help me pick the lock, but we were unsuccessful. She left her sweet cold boy with me as I tried to get Max to unlock the door. 

Just then a man came walking up the stairs. It was the owner's brother. He told me that Troy( the owner) was in the mountains and couldn't get away. So we decided calling the police would be the best option. 

After what seemed like hours, he showed up asking if we wanted to pay for a lock smith or if I wanted him to kick down the door. A lock smith was called and about 20 minutes later, he came. He was there for 2 minutes and I was able to get inside. Max was stuck inside and I was stuck outside for almost two hours.

The crazy thing is that both were locked (padlock and door handle). When I showed Max how to unlock the door, he couldn't do it. 

I learned a great lesson: Always make sure the spare key is accessible. Also I don't ever plan on leaving the house without my keys or my phone again. 

Growing Up

I'm shocked at how big my little guy is getting! He is really tall for his age, so I think most people who don't know him think he is older than he really is. But he really changes every day. 

We just got new carpet yesterday, (it's so WONDERFUL) but as my husband and I were taking things out of the rooms, he told me he didn't want to put the crib back up. So we needed to get Max a new bed; which meant a big part of our Christmas for Max would be given to him before Christmas. But Devin was right we needed to get him out of the crib. 

So last night we found Max a "big boy" bed. He slept just fine in it! I'm amazed at how easy the transition was. He has always been a good boy and had never tried to get out of his crib. So I guess it is no big surprise when he woke up saying, "Mom, come here." Instead of just getting out of bed by himself. I went in to tell him that he could get out of bed himself and showed him how to so it. (That may have been a mistake... We will see how it goes tonight) ;)

(Please ignore the binki) I feel like this is the last big transition we need to make for a little while. However, getting rid of this binki scares me. Lately, Max will wake up screaming for it. (He usually loses it in the middle of the night) which is the first red flag to get rid of it. I'm tired of hearing him scream and I'm tired. However, I'm not ready for the tears right before bed and nap time. I know I need to get rid of it cold turkey for it to work. I just some strength. 

I'm so amazed at what Max is capable of at such a young age. He is our little sponge and repeats everything we say! He makes us so happy and I can't wait for him to be a big brother in April. He is already wanting to play with his baby sister! On to new adventures and learning. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just Keep Going...

Life can be hard. It can be full of hardships and struggle. I have found it is harder when all I focus on is the bad, the ugly, the negative. But life is great even with the struggles.

So how do we get out of this rut? I think one thing we can do is to start looking at our blessings.  Though we may have some hard things in our lives, I think we can all find positive things in our lives too. Hopefully the positive can out weigh the negative. 

I always have an easier time accepting my hardships when I pray for help. We are all human and we are not perfect. I believe we were put on this earth to grow and become someone better. However, we cannot do it on our own. We need help from our Father in Heaven. I know (even though I have a hard time accepting at first) we can grow from our trials. 

Life is such a wonderful blessing and I hope that as I go throughout my life, that I can continue to improve on this simple statement: Life can be hard, but we can find happiness through the trials.